
Delivering Wind Power

To ensure a strong, resilient and reliable grid to support CVOW, Dominion Energy is building new electric transmission infrastructure from where the energy will come onshore in Virginia Beach to our existing Fentress substation in Chesapeake.

Harnessing the Power of the Wind

CVOW will be located in a 112,800 acre-lease area – nearly twice the size of the City of Norfolk – located just east of our existing pilot project, 27 miles off the coast of Virginia Beach.

Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project map showing pilot and commercial projects

Each of the 176 wind turbines generates 14.7 MW of power. A single rotation of the turbine blade produces enough power for one residential home for a full day. The energy from each wind turbine will be "bundled" together at one of three offshore substations to be built within the offshore lease area. Undersea cables then deliver the energy onshore at State Military Reservation (SMR) in Virginia Beach. The cables continue underground through SMR to Naval Air Station Oceana. From there, underground cables switch to overhead electric transmission lines to deliver the energy to the broader electric grid by connecting to our existing and expanded Fentress Substation in Chesapeake.

Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project infographic showing parts of the turbines and on-shore infrastructure

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Onshore Project Updates

We are simultaneously building underground and overhead electric transmission infrastructure through late 2025. We are also expanding our existing Fentress Substation in the City of Chesapeake and building Harpers Switching Station in the City of Virginia Beach through spring 2026.

Dominion Energy employee standing in front of construction work
  • November 2023: Began underground construction activities at State Military Reservation in the City of Virginia Beach. Began site preparation at Fentress Substation in the City of Chesapeake.
  • February 2024: Began right of way clearing for both overhead and underground infrastructure in the cities of Chesapeake and Virginia Beach. Began overhead construction by Fentress Substation.
  • March 2024: Completed underground Phase 1 Direct Pipe installation at SMR. Completed Horizontal Directional Drilling under Lake Christine at SMR. Began excavating Transition Joint Bay at SMR. Installed first overhead transmission poles between Fentress and Pocaty substations in the City of Chesapeake.
  • April 2024: Began underground duct bank installation on Navy property along Oceana Boulevard near Bells Road and Harpers Road.
  • July 2024: Completed Direct Pipe (DP) installation at the State Military Reservation (SMR).
  • August 2024: Completed Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) installation under Lake Rudee/General Booth.
  • August 2024: Compled Oceana Boulevard duct bank installation.
  • June 2024 - February 2025: Continued installing overhead transmission foundations, poles, and lines between Pocaty Substation in the City of Chesapeake and Harpers Switching Station in the City of Virginia Beach.
  • June 2024 - February 2025: Constructed Transition Joint Bay vaults #1-8.
  • December 2024: Began installing underground cable onshore between Harpers Switching Station and the State Military Reservation.
Black cable being installed underground
  • Spring 2025: Restore the overhead right of way between Pocaty Substation in the City of Chesapeake and Landstown Road (near the Princess Anne Sportsplex) in the City of Virginia Beach.
  • Late spring 2025: Finish duct bank installation across South Birdneck Road.
  • Late spring 2025: Finish installing underground connections at the Rifle Range.
  • Spring – early fall 2025: Finish installing overhead foundations, poles, and lines in the City of Virginia Beach between Harpers Switching Station and Princess Anne Road.
  • 2025 – early 2026: Underground cable pulling, splicing, and testing between the State Military Reservation and Harpers Switching Station.
  • Summer 2025: Finish installing underground connections at the Rifle Range.
  • Spring – summer 2025: Finish installing overhead foundations, poles, and lines in the City of Virginia Beach between Harpers Switching Station and Princess Anne Road.

Looking for more updates?

We are building the largest offshore wind project in the U.S. Learn about every step from the project's inception to our current construction information.

See Full Timeline

How will construction impact me?

Electrical cord icon


Will this interrupt my service?
No. We do not anticipate disruptions to your power during our construction activities.

Sound icon


Will I hear construction activities?
Some of our work occurs in or near residential areas, and neighbors may hear equipment at work and beeping when backing. Construction equipment may include trucks, tractor-trailers, excavators, cranes, bucket trucks, and support vehicles. Most work occurs during the daytime, but there are specific underground activities that also require night work. We are committed to minimizing potential impacts during construction and are making efforts to reduce noise at night.

Traffic light icon


Will there be traffic impacts?
Brief traffic delays are possible when turning vehicles transport equipment from area storage yards to work sites. We plan to minimize traffic disruptions during aerial wire installations by using a helicopter. Underground duct bank installation requires temporary lane closures when crossing Oceana Boulevard near Harpers Road and also when crossing South Birdneck Road near Bells Road. For everyone's safety, please follow posted signs, flagger instructions, and speed limits.

Neighborhood icon


Will access to my neighborhood be affected?
No, vehicular and pedestrian paths will always be available during construction.

Community Engagement

To identify transmission route options from Naval Air Station Oceana to Fentress Substation, Dominion Energy surveyed the locations of neighborhoods, public use and gathering spots, schools, churches and parks, and important natural resources such as wetlands and historical and archaeological sites. We also evaluated existing rights-of-way and opportunities to co-locate with other infrastructure, such as existing transmission lines, roads and railways.

In 2021, we held virtual and in-person public meetings and conducted numerous individual and small group meetings, topic-specific workshops and roundtables. In addition, we consulted with a local historian and directly engaged historically underrepresented communities and Native American tribes.  

As a result of community involvement and input, Dominion Energy identified a proposed transmission line route and several alternatives and filed a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) with the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) on November 5, 2021. After nine months of careful review, the SCC selected the transmission line route that will support the CVOW project.

In September and October 2023, we hosted five pre-construction open houses in advance of onshore construction activities beginning in November 2023. We continue to meet with the community to share project progress and answer questions from neighbors.

Check our Events page for upcoming Public Office Hours and Community Meetings. If you would like a CVOW update for your neighborhood association or community group, please contact us to schedule a meeting.

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Dominion Energy employee explaining map to community member during open house

Community member reviewing map of turbinesWoman looking at economic benefits chart during open house